Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Um mm!! uhhhhh!! I wondered what it is to be Creative?
Simple words...different tones Stories galore.
I'm sure there's got to be lots more.
So thought a little bit more.
To each his known ..yes the Master has the throne.
To inspire, to foresee, to listen ,to plan and to change.

Today is New Day fresh thoughts...News plans.
Sudden crisis oh my god that's not planned.
Be prepared for the better or the worse ...
for they say "if you fail to plan your really planning to fail"

That's just another one liner that got picked and used.
But its not worth just knowing but using.
Oh! that does remind me of one more
"Knowing is not doing, doing is doing and achieving you bet!"

Some say I'm dreamer But I'm not only one!
John was there too...and he did say "the world will live as one"
Creativity is the fragrance of individual freedom like to create out this article as it never existed before.

I could go on and on...But that's not on.
For today I saw a mail that was turn on!
So the question changed and thought drifted
yet positive to join the Creativity program

You still may say I'm a Dreamer That's not all what it is
"b+ve no matter what your blood group is"

I guess they will be reading this whoever they are..
Many may say "this is Creative lets give him the chance"

--The above was written in response to a mail at office(5 October 2003) which was looking for people to be part of Creativity Program.You had to respond as to what you thought about Creativity,Why you should be selected--.

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