Sunday, June 21, 2009


Whatever has happened is for GOOD
Whatever is happening is going on WELL
Whatever will happen that will also be GOOD

Why you are repenting for whatever you have LOST
Have you brought anything with you which you have LOST?

Have you produced anything that is DRESTROYED
Whatever you have gained you obtained from HERE
Whatever you gave you have given HERE
whatever belongs today yesterday belonged to SOMEONE
It may belong to someone DAYAFTER


Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Can!

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can!
so what you can is what you can till you have explored it!
Its amazing how these little secrets can make a difference especially when you are surrounded by lot of clouds,dust and dirt!

The ability to see clearly when surrounded by lot of clouds,dust and dirt is an ART...get it used it! A Moving thought!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Another Session on REBT

REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) has been popular with various organizations. I gave the presentation & session on REBT to my office folks, for me it was refresher and for many in the office it was thought provoking!

Started off the way nobody expected.. In the session talked about ABC theory.
Actions ->Consequences ...A causes C. But A causes C only with the Help of Beliefs.

Situations in the world do not disturb us It is our view that makes it so

How do we acquire Beliefs-> Inborn Intelligence,Acquired Experience,& we create beliefs

Harmful Beliefs
I must do everything well and get appreciation from all, or else I am worthless

Others must be kind and just to me, otherwise they are worthless

Everything in the world must be easy for me; or else nothing is worth doing in the world

The first category belief makes us anxious and guilty
The second category belief makes us non-tolerant and less flexible
The third category belief makes us vulnerable and prone to Low Frustration Tolerance L-F-T)

Its important to challenge and get rid of the musts..

Live in the world as it is NOT In a world as it ought to be

Its important to Dispute the beliefs with Rational..Thus leading to Effective Attitude

Unconditional self-acceptance:

I am a fallible human being; I have my good points and my bad points.
There is no reason why I must not have flaws.
Despite my good points and my bad points, I am no more worthy and no less worthy than any other human being.

Unconditional other-acceptance:

Other people will treat me unfairly from time to time.
There is no reason why they must treat me fairly.
The people who treat me unfairly are no more worthy and no less worthy than any other human being.

Unconditional life-acceptance:

Life doesn't always work out the way that I'd like it to.
There is no reason why life must go the way I want it to
Life is not necessarily pleasant but it is never awful and it is nearly always bearable.

Finally Thanking Dr Albert Ellis and the person who got it my attention way back!

Monday, June 01, 2009

How to Let go!

You cannot control everything in LIFE no point thinking and breaking your head or heart on what you can't control

Its important to be able to move on and not hold onto it.

So what are the ways to let go

1)Learn to Accept as the past cannot be changed
2)Be aware of your thoughts..come to the present
3)Start something new get involved in a new hobby or something involving
4)Its important to share and vent your pain and sadness with your partner or friend
5)Go back talk to the people involved if possible
6)Apologize and ask forgiveness if there is a need
7)Take a break...go for a vacation
8) they way I try to do to let go!

For me 1-8 work ...sometimes 9 & 10 too :)

Lesson learnt : People will still stab from the back! but you still be Honest Harmless and Happy the way you always are!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ran the Open 10km RUN-31st May 2009

Not for the pride nor for the pain I ran the Sunfeast World 10K Run in Bangalore
Completed the 10k run ....lastly but not the least I did it!
Not a fitness freak but I believed I could do it and I just did it!
Its important not only to believe in oneself but many a time proving to oneself that one can do the impossible. Anyway hoping that the run gives all the people whatever they look forward to from the run!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Whats in a Name??

You may ask whats in a Name??
You would recive a zillion replies!
Anyway we chose "Siddharth"

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Some thoughtful points:

1. Accept people as they are. You can't change them until they want to!

2. Don't expect people will do things for you. Well if they do ...good for you!

3. Be sensitive on what you say ...Its easy to hurt people! Sometimes hold yourself back!

4. Comparisons will always be there ....Avoid people who do it!

5. It takes 2 to tick ..Stretch your hand ...but don't hurt yourself..take your time don't hurry!