Sunday, June 07, 2009

Another Session on REBT

REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy) has been popular with various organizations. I gave the presentation & session on REBT to my office folks, for me it was refresher and for many in the office it was thought provoking!

Started off the way nobody expected.. In the session talked about ABC theory.
Actions ->Consequences ...A causes C. But A causes C only with the Help of Beliefs.

Situations in the world do not disturb us It is our view that makes it so

How do we acquire Beliefs-> Inborn Intelligence,Acquired Experience,& we create beliefs

Harmful Beliefs
I must do everything well and get appreciation from all, or else I am worthless

Others must be kind and just to me, otherwise they are worthless

Everything in the world must be easy for me; or else nothing is worth doing in the world

The first category belief makes us anxious and guilty
The second category belief makes us non-tolerant and less flexible
The third category belief makes us vulnerable and prone to Low Frustration Tolerance L-F-T)

Its important to challenge and get rid of the musts..

Live in the world as it is NOT In a world as it ought to be

Its important to Dispute the beliefs with Rational..Thus leading to Effective Attitude

Unconditional self-acceptance:

I am a fallible human being; I have my good points and my bad points.
There is no reason why I must not have flaws.
Despite my good points and my bad points, I am no more worthy and no less worthy than any other human being.

Unconditional other-acceptance:

Other people will treat me unfairly from time to time.
There is no reason why they must treat me fairly.
The people who treat me unfairly are no more worthy and no less worthy than any other human being.

Unconditional life-acceptance:

Life doesn't always work out the way that I'd like it to.
There is no reason why life must go the way I want it to
Life is not necessarily pleasant but it is never awful and it is nearly always bearable.

Finally Thanking Dr Albert Ellis and the person who got it my attention way back!

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