Thursday, January 05, 2012

“Life goes on with you and without you”

Its been a long time..back here again!! what brings me here !!
Death ---the end of life ;the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. I may have said this before that the tragedy of death is not life ....but what we let die inside of us when we live! In life we come across many people who are part of our lives ...
some to care for ;
some to love ;
some to understand ;
some to complicate; :)

But its a very few that truly inspires!
If I were to describe her in 1 word "Dedicated" !
Dedicated to education and Balvikas ;
Many of us are a reflection of her "Good Qualities " We love you Always!
Miss you ... May her soul rest in peace!

“Life goes on with me and without me”

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