Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why Fear

Never Live in Fear whether @work or @life

Its important to Live without Fear!
Subroto Bagchi (co founder of Mindtree )rightly put it in his article(dh-sh-17th Feb)
"The real choice before me is simple. Do I, or do I not, live in fear? The key word here is “live” and not just exist. To me, to live means to be able to speak my mind , to question, to voice my soul, to maintain my own identity wherever I am, and not be ashamed of my past of being a Bengali from Bihar, raised in Orissa and living in Karnataka, Mumbai or wherever — of being Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim or whatever the denominational description of my God might be. I think that right was not granted to me by human beings and not even by the republic. It was granted to me by my Creator when I was born into this world. My right to live is alienated whenever I am in fear of anything and anyone"

For me to Live without Fear holds good even at Work
"Do not live in fear.....Speak up, Innovate,and Question,maintain my own identity!......Let not emotions come in the way of Intelligence to innovate and succeed!Do not get bogged down by groupism ,politics and nepotism.My right to contribute to work,to live and to achieve is alienated whenever I'm in fear of anything or anyone So don't fear!"

Its not only about writing this it is about believing and doing!

I'd wish organizations help its associates to Innovate,Improvise,Implement,and Integrate solutions for its Clients rather than causing fear in its associates

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